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На другом конце света, вдали от Каира и древних пирамид утерянный мир воскресает из пустынных зыбучих песков. Я присоединилась к команде ведущих археологов, чтобы помочь с раскопками места, которое по слухам может оказаться истинной гробницей забытой царицы Египта. Но как только я приехала, слухи об ужасных проклятьях и истории о смертельном прошлом места раскопок поползли наружу. Именно мне предстоит разобраться с древней тайной и отыскать легендарную забытую царицу Египта до того, как проклятье фараонов навеки не предрешит мою судьбу.



Русский тизер

Если бы вам предложили отправиться в страну, которая больше всего ассоциируется со словом "История", то что бы вы выбрали? А что касается Нэнси то она отправляется именно в такую страну - Египет. Её цель - присоединиться к команде археологов и разгадать древнюю тайну пропавшей царицы египетского государства.
Хватит ли вам смелости присоединиться к Нэнси в её новом деле "Усыпальница пропавшей королевы"?



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Abdullah Bakhoum


Abdullah Bakhoum is the Egyptian-assigned liaison to the Kingston dig team. He's famous in the Egyptology world for both his discoveries and his strong personality. Though he's tried for years, he hasn't yet been able to attain a high-ranking position in the field and is determined to get what he wants. Could his passion for discovery and need for limelight be the fuel behind the strange accidents?

Lily Crewe


Lily Crewe is an Egyptology PhD student from Kingston University who is on her very first actual expedition. Archaeology is her passion and she's beyond thrilled to be part of this dig. She wants to find the mummy, but doesn't know exactly what she should be doing. She's also in awe of Abdullah, but petrified of displeasing him. Her desire for leadership and clear inexperience makes her look suspicious.

Jamila El-Dine


Jamila El-Dine is a local Egyptian who was absolutely thrilled when the temple was discovered just outside of her town. She loves ancient Egypt and is a firm believer that the aliens built the pyramids. Jamila spends much of her time sneaking around in the shadows. What does she really believe and why is she really here?

Dylan Carter


British tour guide Dylan Carter is charismatic, knowledgeable and friendly. He's also crashing a dig site. Carter claims that tourists will come to the tomb when they hear about the curse, which might imply that he is betting his financial future on more misfortune for the team. If Carter can't bank on a natural accident, would he go to the trouble of creating one?

Jon Boyle


Jon Boyle is the leader of the dig and is the renowned Egyptologist from Kingston University in New York. In his early 50s, he's been working in the field for decades. After getting hurt in the sandstorm, Jon asks you for help in finding the real answer behind his accident and theft at the dig site.

Professor Hotchkiss


Historian and writer Professor Hotchkiss is your number one resource for everything Egyptian. Her passion and knowledge in history will help you learn more about the tomb and who is possibly buried in it. Call her often for help, but don't feel offended if she forgets your name.

http://www.herinteractive.com/Mystery_G … Characters
